As I move into the summer days, I feel a subtle shift after spring this year. Feeling grounded from all the garden time and being called to new explorations in weaving.
Garden is flourishing with the recents rains. Gathered flowers from the garden, to create an offering for the beautiful redwood tree that graces our backyard.

Recently cut off my tapestry of the "Living energies", finishing the ends now. Empty loom. Pulled out a book, "Lucy Lewis" and was flipping through the pages. Found the signatures of Lucy, Emma and Dolores, my dear teachers from long ago summer days in Idyllwild. Sensed a desire to create a piece to honor them. Started a drawing, inspired from ancient Pueblo pottery images. Got lost in the design and felt a shift in me. That place of exploration, discovery and joy. Wandering in a new inner and outer landscape. The piece has a ways to go before it makes it to the loom, and the adventure has begun.
My Navajo loom is calling to me. Have not worked with her for years. Gathering her parts and then creating a chunk of time to warp her up. I remember one of my Navajo teachers telling me that once you start warping the loom, one does not stop to eat or drink or answer the phone, until the warp is completed. A journey into the inner workings of the cloth. The warp being what holds the piece together. Resonating with this.